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How I got here...

My Story

As a seasoned entrepreneur and strategist, I have many stories to tell, this particular story however, is about my life - the experience and exposure I’ve had has determined who I’ve become, and the road travelled there.

Telling my own story pictorially enforces my belief that our life’s journey can be categorised into four life stages, each has a specific focus for a couple of decades and then our focus changes akin to the seasons in nature.  The life stages I believe are Learning, Earning, Burning and Returning.  Although you’ll probably do all of these throughout your life my experience is that one’s focus shifts into another season every 20-25 years. 

Looking at my journey makes me realise that every difficult time I’ve had has bought me great gifts of authenticity, learning, growth and overall, sometimes an overwhelming sense of gratitude.  The successes I’ve had have mostly come at a price of personal time, financial security, lost friendships, and being able to witness the lives of others just by being at their side.  All in all, a great life… so far!

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